Enable shoppers to pay with their preferred payment method
If we’re hosting your website payment page, you can choose the payment methods that you would like to display to your shoppers. You don’t need a developer to make any integration changes. You can enable Apple Pay from Cashflows Go. For more information about using Cashflows Go, download the Cashflows Go Guide.
There are no additional charges for Apple Pay. We treat an Apple Pay transaction like a card transaction. You pay your agreed gateway charges and a card fee for each transaction. You receive your money just as you do for other transactions. Apple Pay transactions are included in your reports just like card transactions.
To enable Apple Pay:
1. Sign in to Cashflows Go.
2. From the Cashflows Go menu, select Configuration.
3. Select Payment Methods.
4. Select Card.
5. Select Allow Apple Pay.
6. Select Save. The changes take effect immediately and you can start accepting Apple Pay payments.
- You don’t need an Apple account to offer Apple Pay. However, your shoppers need an Apple account, must have Apple Pay set up on their mobile device and be using Safari.
- Apple Pay is only available through our hosted payment page (HPP). If your business uses an app, Apple Pay works only when connecting to our hosted payment page outside of the app, and as long as your shopper meets the above criteria. For information about adding a hosted payment page to your website, you can download the following guides:
Tip: We’re in the process of moving the information in these guides to the new Cashflows Developer Portal. Some of it may already be there.